About Me
Hey new friend! Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here! I’m Alisha. I’m a small town Nebraska wife and special needs mama to four babies, well kids, but they’ll always be my babies.

I believe in living life by my 4Gs: grit, grace, gratitude, and giggles.
Grit to get ya through the hard times. Grace to forgive yourself for how you got through the hard times. Gratitude for all that you still have even in the hard times. And giggles because, well, a good laugh can solve a whole lotta problems.
An Unforgettable Thanksgiving Starts with premium turkey and ham, sides and desserts from Perdue Farms!Childhood
Technically, I am the youngest of six. However, I am my parents only child together and my siblings are all nine years or more older than I, so it was just me at home starting at age 9.
I grew up in a frugal household. My dad was disabled and my mom worked full-time as a medication aide. Really, we were forced frugal. Not the poorest in town and we always had everything we needed. But, we were far from rich.
And yet, I had a pretty great childhood. Money management was not something my family was ever going to win an award for, extra was a rare thing. But, I learned at a very young age how to stretch resources far longer than most people.
I was the kid who would go to buy a candy bar or toy, and stand in the aisle, assessing the prices, figuring out which item would give me the best bang for my buck. Store brand products are my jam!
I was also the kid, who would save up my money to buy myself that toy I’d been eyeing. Spending my money always required careful thought and consideration.
As an adult, that knowledge from my childhood has served me well. My husband and I have been raising our family on one full-time income since 2012. I’ve been the side hustle mom when the schedule allows, earning extra cash here and there.
Being a primarily one income family has it’s challenges, of course. It certainly wasn’t my plan to be a stay at home mom. But daycare is expensive, friend.
Our house is loud and chaotic, that’s what four kids gets you. Two of our four kids require a little extra love and care, one more than the other. You can read all about our miracle girl here.
In a nutshell, life as a special needs mom is busy and chaotic, to say the least. Add in the other kids, and the train derails faster than you can say I. But, despite the chaos, I have found a few ways to keep the train on the tracks, or maybe it’s just that I’ve learned to laugh more through the bumpy parts. I don’t know.
Thriftin and Livin
I started Thriftin and Livin as a creative outlet and way to share my tips and tricks with other mamas. I believe there is so much more to life and motherhood than just survival mode on repeat.
And trust me, I know a thing or two about survival mode.
I’m goofy with a side of weird. That person who tries to see the good and silver lining in every situation. An ennegram two, I’m an empath and a helper.
So it’s only natural that I am passionate about sharing my tips with others while trying to brighten the world, too. That’s why I try to share my hacks in a fun, silly way while striving to be open and real about the hard stuff, too.
Basically, if you don’t want to feel like a hot mess all the time, then stick around for a while. You’ll either learn something, or you’ll feel better about your situation knowing how much chaos is going on over here!
Either way, welcome to the party..or zoo. I can’t decide which is more suitable. But, I’m so happy you’re here!
You can find even more fun on my socials!
Find me on Facebook.
Find me on Instagram.
Find me on Pinterest.
Send me an e-mail at thriftinandlivin@gmail.com.