The Shanty Pantry

Meal Planning Guide

Ready to stress less about what to feed your family every night?

Get the exact steps to plan your meals, while saving your time, sparing your bank account, and unlocking more freedom to do things you enjoy–all without the stress, overwhelm, kitchen burn out, and meal time ruts.

How To Meal Plan for Your Family

This complete meal planning course is totally catered to your life. Learn how to use a meal plan that works with your schedule, not against. Master each actionable step plus learn other tips and tricks for how to make meal planning work for you, long term.

An Unforgettable Thanksgiving Starts with premium turkey and ham, sides and desserts from Perdue Farms!

Time Is Precious

Say so long to those last minute, impulse meals! This guide will show you how to meal plan in less time, every time. You will learn how to meal plan each week based on what your schedule allows. Learn to be prepared for the evening meal instead of struggling to come up with one.

Your Complete Meal Planning System Awaits

The Shanty Pantry Meal Planning Guide will show you how to create a total meal planning system. That system includes how to incorporate grocery shopping into your meal planning strategy. This thorough guide will allow you to plan and shop for meals more efficiently, saving your time and money.

The Shanty Pantry Meal Planning Guide will teach you how to meal plan for your family in less time!

Learn how to meal plan in less time, today!

Not convinced yet?

That’s ok. Let me ask you some questions..

 Do you ever find yourself stressing about what to make for supper? 

Do you ever find yourself throwing chicken nuggets in the microwave because you’re too tired to come up with anything else?

Do you ever find yourself with a kitchen or pantry full of food from the recent trip to the store, but still, it seems like too much of a battle to throw together a meal?

Are you reaching for the take out menu more often than you’d like?

Are you ever worried about the amount of money you spend on groceries?

If any of that was a yes, this course is sure to help!


The Shanty Pantry Meal Planning Guide was created to help busy mamas save time and money in the kitchen. 

Meal time doesn’t have to be stressful. 

Grocery shopping doesn’t have to be stressful.

You CAN plan and prepare healthy, filling meals for your family and maintain a grocery budget, no matter how busy your schedule.


This course will show you how. It will walk you through every part of the meal planning process. Showing you, step by step, how to plan and shop for every meal more efficiently.

Learn how to meal plan for your schedule so you don’t have to worry about buying take-out or throwing something together last minute.

This is not a one size fits all experience. This is a guide that you can use to create a meal planning strategy that works best for your family.


The Shanty Pantry Meal Planning Guide will teach you how to meal plan- it won’t do it for you. 

It’s a system. This course will teach you a meal planning system, allowing you to take back control of your time and money.

You will learn how to meal plan for your family, based on your life. It’s completely customized to your family’s lifestyle, making it easier to stick to, long term.

Pretty cool, right?


Make the Most of Your Meal Planning Efforts

*Course access will be granted when course is officially launched in early 2021!

Thriftin and Livin © 2020