How To Save Money on School Supplies
The cost of sending the kids back to school can easily put you behind financially, especially if you aren’t able to set money aside ahead of time. Don’t let that school supply list intimidate you. Here’s a list of tips that will help you save money on school supplies this year. How much should I spend on back to school supplies? Whatever you can afford and feel is appropriate for your family. It really all depends on your budget, size of your family, the age of your children, type of school they attend, and so on. It’s not hard to spend several hundred dollars on school supplies, especially if you…
How To Use The Best Cash Back Apps To Save Extra Money Every Month
There are many ways to save extra money with minimal effort. Today, let’s discuss how to effortlessly save extra money via the best cash back apps out there. Whether you just need a few extra bucks a month, or a few extra hundred bucks a month, cash back and rebate apps can help you meet that goal. Do cash back apps really work? Yes. Cash back and rebate apps let you earn cash back or other rewards when you make a purchase through a qualified retailer. Think the opposite of coupons, okay? So you don’t get the deal upfront, you first buy the product and get your reward once you’ve…