How Shelf Cooking Can Save You So Much Money!
For most people, how you plan out your meals plays a large part in whether or not you’re overspending on groceries. But, there’s a better way to plan your meals so that your weekly trip to the grocery store doesn’t break the bank. That’s where shelf cooking comes in! Maybe you’ve heard of the term shelf cooking before, or maybe you recognize it as the way your mother or grandmother prepared meals. In modern times, it doesn’t seem to be as popular of a technique, but we’re here to change that! What is shelf cooking? Shelf cooking is a phrase coined by the fabulous, the beautiful, the Fun, Cheap, or…
How To Start A Grocery Budget – Amazing Grocery Budget Calculator
Let me preface this by saying that taking Jordan Page’s advice about how to start a grocery budget several years ago, was life changing for my family. Before, I always tried to budget for groceries but I didn’t have a clear idea of how much I should be spending or what I should be including. Basically, budgeting in general, is not my strong suit. (But that’s a whole notha story.) Now lets get to what you came here for.. What is a good budget for groceries? Not what the USDA’s “Low Cost” food plan says.. I once googled “grocery budget calculator” to establish a baseline for figuring out how to start…
The 4 Best Productivity Tips for Moms!
As moms, we have more responsibilities and obligations than ever. Figuring out how to manage everything is an ongoing battle. Here are some of the best productivity tips for moms. No matter what kind of mom you are, these tips are sure to help you make the most of your time and energy every single day. There seems to always be never ending to-do lists and less hours each day, amiright? And IF you get ahead in one area, another area of life tends to fall through the cracks. So what can you do in order to get more done in less time before you crash and burn? Stop the…