
Lazy Tips for How To Clean Your House and Finally Keep It That Way

If you’re searching for more time, less stress, or just better cleaning habits, you’ve arrived at the right place. Keep reading to discover actionable tips for how to clean your house and actually keep it clean.

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In the long run, the current level of messiness doesn’t matter. With a little consistency and effort, you’ll learn how to clean up a messy house and how to keep it that way.

These tips will help you clean your house in less time so you can get back to enjoying life. Below, you’ll also find a weekly cleaning schedule template, the same one I use to keep up with my own home. Let’s dive in!

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How To Clean Your House by Lowering Your Expectations

Just as you get something cleaned up, someone will come along and make it dirty again. There really is no way to keep your home clean 100 percent of the time if you’re going to continue living in it. So lower those expectations and show yourself some grace.

This will look different for everyone. Start by focusing on the tasks that really drive you crazy if they don’t get completed and try to worry less about the other tasks.

Delegate Tasks

Speaking of tasks, pass those off to someone else. As I always tell my kids, team work really does make the dream work. If you share your home with others, they can help keep it clean, too. Get your family involved in the cleaning routine.

Make sure everyone has a task that’s age appropriate. Think of things they can do independently. Even children as young as toddlers can help out with a little creativity. Accept their help while they still want to help, mama!

Even family members as young as toddlers can help you clean your house.

It’s never too early to start encouraging children to help out and pick up after themselves. Bonus, when they’re little and mom is still super cool, they actually enjoy helping! Delegating tasks to others in your household will help you clean your house fast every time!

How Do You Declutter A Really Messy House?

Declutter often. It will be much easier to keep up with your home when you have less stuff in it. This is a given, I’m sure you’ve heard it before. It’s worth it to learn how to clean your house by learning how to get rid of stuff.

Related Post: How To Declutter Quickly – 4 Decluttering Tips To Help Conquer The Overwhelm

I’m not saying you have to spend a bunch of time on this, but adding it into your daily or weekly tasks will help tremendously! Try to focus on eliminating clutter a little bit at a time so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.

Divide Your Home Into Zones

There are many different methods that all answer the questions about how to clean your house. However, think of what takes you the longest when cleaning. Is it picking things up and putting them away? Zone cleaning is definitely for you!

Now, think of the different parts of your home and break them up. Living room or family room, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, whatever the different sections may be, divide your home up.

Section your home however it works for you. Be sure to recognize the areas where you spend the most time as those zones will likely need the most cleaning.

Think about utilizing the zone method when delegating tasks. Designate a zone to each child or family member. That zone is their responsibility for a given time. Then rotate zones amongst the children or family members.

Make the zones and tasks work for you. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Something as simple as one child picking up the living room and one picking up the kitchen will help tremendously.

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    How Can I Keep My House Clean in 20 Minutes a Day?

    Use a cleaning schedule. As I mentioned earlier, my home is broken up into zones. My oldest two children, ages 10 and 9, are each responsible for a zone. My third child, age five, is responsible for picking up after herself throughout the day and helping out in zones as needed.

    The two zones the kids focus on are kitchen/hallway and living room. Each child gets a zone and we rotate every day. They are mostly responsible for tidying the floors and making sure things have been straightened up. Living room zone is in charge of cleaning the table. Kitchen zone is in charge of dishes.

    They can complete their zone tasks without any help from mom or dad. This routine is easy for them to stick to and it keeps cleaning simple. How to clean your house and keep it that way? Make a schedule that works for you.

    We’re all busy right? I created a weekly house cleaning schedule as a way to keep up with my house while being a busy working mama. It’s nothing fancy, but it keeps me on task each week, you can see an example of that schedule below.

    How to clean your house by using a weekly cleaning schedule that works with your life.

    But how often should you clean your house? For myself, I assign a different zone to each day. I spend 15-20 minutes a day in those zones. My zone cleaning is in addition to making sure our preferred areas, kitchen and living room, are picked up and mostly clean. See how beneficial it is to have my big kids helping out?

    When planning your own cleaning schedule, think about tasks that can be done quickly. Ultimately, the goal is to keep the time short enough you can still finish on busy days; however, make it long enough that it feels like you’ve accomplished something when time is up.

    Personally, I don’t need to know how to clean my house in two hours, because I’d rather clean in smaller increments every day. Implement a weekly house cleaning schedule that works best for you and your lifestyle.

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    Where Do I Start When Cleaning My House?

    Little by little. Start small. Get done what you can, delegate what you can’t, and let go of the rest. Begin with short increments of time, like 15-20 minutes. Set a timer and get busy.

    Be mindful of your preferred area or areas. Focus on those daily for 15-20 minutes in addition to your daily zone tasks. You’ll be amazed how much you can get done in a short amount of time!

    One of the biggest tips for cleaning your house is to stay consistent. Dedicate just a short amount of time to cleaning every day, and soon enough you will master how to clean your house and keep it that way.

    Stay courageous,

    Stay courageous, 

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    Alisha (she/her) is a mama of four, group B strep advocate, nonprofit Founder, multi-passionate CEO, and the brains behind Thriftin and Livin. // Alisha believes there is SO much more to motherhood than survival mode on repeat. She has decades of experience with frugal living, some by choice, others by force. Either way, girl knows how to help you save a buck. With over ten years of parenting under her belt, she knows a thing or two about raising babies, too. // At Thriftin and Livin, Alisha blends humor, sarcasm, and her wide range of life experiences to serve mamas from around the world. Her quick tips and helpful hacks will help you thrive in motherhood rather than simply survive. // Instagram|Facebook|Pinterest \\


    • simplysweetlyblessed1

      Love this! I like your recommendation for delegating tasks. I need to push myself to do this to lighten my work load some. I tend to just want to do everything myself because I want things done a certain way. But I think if I loosen up a bit and delegate then I would be happier.

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        It’s not easy to delegate, for sure! But, I have found that letting some things slide and be “good enough” has lightened my load tremendously, and that is worth it, to me! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! 🙂

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