Life,  Mindfulness,  Motherhood,  Productivity,  Self-Care

How To Stick To A Productive Morning Routine {Day 6}

With your newly designed, dream morning routine figured out, it’s time to not only put it into action, but make it stick for weeks and months to come. I mean, you want to make sure your new productive morning routine happens every morning without fail, right? Turning into a daily routine of healthy habits is the best way to make sure that happens. 

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Before something becomes a habit or a routine, it takes a lot of willpower to make things happen. That’s energy that you will need for other things throughout your morning and busy rest of the day. Yes, it will take some willpower, mental energy, and drive at first to create your new healthy morning habits, but once they are set, it will become automatic, like brushing your teeth before bed. 

What should I do in the morning to be productive?

Before we really dive in today, I want to make something clear. When I say productive morning routine, I do not necessarily mean busy. Yes, there is a difference between busy and productive. A big one, actually.

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A productive morning routine is one that allows you to make the most of your time each morning. It’s being focused and intentional with your time versus allowing unnecessary, random chaos that leaves you feeling busy but isn’t really propelling your towards your goals.

Related: Discover 7 Powerful Ways To Gain Clarity and Focus (free e-book)

As moms, we’re super busy, but unfortunately, not always productive. It’s easy to get lost in the busy work of life and motherhood and forget to take a moment to embrace and find gratitude for the present moments. But, to me, the best habits for a productive morning are those that set your future self up for a calm, present day.

Creating a productive morning routine is all about working smarter, not harder. As a busy mama, at least some of your healthy morning habits should include some tasks that fill up your cup. Start every day with a gift to yourself. Give yourself the inner calm you need to tackle any obstacle life throws your way during the day.

How To Create Healthy Morning Habits for Busy Moms

Ok, moving on now.. Once you come up with a good idea of healthy morning habits to implement, it’s time to stick to a morning routine for a few weeks. Commit to sticking to your productive morning routine and do everything you can to follow through. That’s the best way to turn it into a strong habit.

Remember how we talked about writing your routine down and putting it somewhere so you’d see it in the morning? Now is the time to put that little tip into action. It will be so much easier to convince yourself to stick to a morning routine if your morning habits are written out for you to read, first thing each day.

You can put sticky notes on your mirror or frame a block schedule template and put it on your nightstand. Put flashcards or note cards on top of your phone or alarm clock so you grab them first. Whatever or wherever you tend to head first thing in the morning, put your morning routine reminders there.

Related: How to Get More out of Your Day! (free block schedule template)

Before long, it will feel like the new normal and you will no longer have to remind yourself to do each thing along the way. It will become a habit and a routine you’ll follow automatically. It will take a lot less effort and mental pep-talk to get things done. Even if your new routine includes a 30 minute run, or getting up at the crack of down to work on your most important business task for an hour. 

Watch out for moments when you slip back into your old habits and routines. It’s going to happen. The key is to catch it early and get back on track as quickly as possible. Take care of the slip up before it becomes an issue. The real secret to sticking to a morning routine is to just keep getting back on track when life gets in the way.

For example, let’s say you’ve been doing well with waking up 30 minutes earlier and going for a run before you start your day. Then one day you oversleep and can’t make it out there. Or the weather turns too bad, you get sick or hurt, or something else pops up that keeps you from going on that run. That’s life. It happens. What’s important is what you decide to do the next morning. 

Use sticky notes and place reminders where you'll see them each morning to help you stick to a productive morning routine.

Your most important job whenever life gets in the way of your new, productive morning routine is to get back on track as quickly as possible. Do what you can as soon as you notice the disruption.

If the weather is bad, do a quick workout at home, or head to the gym to run on the treadmill. If you overslept, try to squeeze in a few minutes of meditation or doing something to grow your business before you get back to the rest of your day.

Hopefully by the time life interrupts your routine, you’ll already have a good idea of your best habits for a productive morning. It will be easier to get back on track if you’ve already seen some results.

Most importantly get back on track with your regular morning routine as soon as possible. Get back into your healthy morning habits the next morning, if at all possible. Actively remind yourself to get back on track for a few days until it routine is firmly back in place. You’ll be glad you did when you start to see the results you’ve been hoping for. 

More Productive Morning Routine Tips for Busy Moms

This post is part of my FREE 7 day mini challenge: Mama’s Morning Makeover. Over the course of the seven days, I will guide you through the process of creating a productive morning routine that best serves you and your family.

How we start our day sets the tone for how the rest of our day will go. Learn to start your day with healthy morning habits that become your new productive morning routine. Turn your chaotic morning into a calm morning, mama. You’re worth it!

What are you waiting for, mama? Click here to join the challenge today!

Until next time,
Stay Courageous!

Stay courageous, Alisha

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Alisha (she/her) is a mama of four, group B strep advocate, nonprofit Founder, multi-passionate CEO, and the brains behind Thriftin and Livin. // Alisha believes there is SO much more to motherhood than survival mode on repeat. She has decades of experience with frugal living, some by choice, others by force. Either way, girl knows how to help you save a buck. With over ten years of parenting under her belt, she knows a thing or two about raising babies, too. // At Thriftin and Livin, Alisha blends humor, sarcasm, and her wide range of life experiences to serve mamas from around the world. Her quick tips and helpful hacks will help you thrive in motherhood rather than simply survive. // Instagram|Facebook|Pinterest \\

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